40 Day Abundance
The 40 Day Abundance Process LIVE is complete for 2025.
If you have participated in the Abundance Process in previous years, I want you to know that this is different. The process is the same but the materials and the approach will be different. This year we are going deeper in order to rise higher. There will be deeper meditations, more profound affirmations, and a very different intention. This year, we are recalibrating our minds and hearts to increase our vibratory frequency and access a new dimension of Abundance! It is my intention that we will activate our divine genes in order to reconnect to the Source so that we can access the Divine Energy of Abundance in every area of our lives here and now.

What do you want to CREATE in the New Year?
Money, Wealth, and Abundance are not luxuries set aside for some —We are all capable of attaining these things because . . .
There is no lack in the universe!
The energy of 2025 is absolutely electrifying as it represents the 9 Universal Year, a time brimming with transformation and completion! This means you can finally receive compensation for all the time, energy, blood, sweat, and tears you’ve been investing into your desire to bring abundance.
2025 is your year to embark on thrilling new adventures
relating to
Money, Power, Dominion, and Authority.
It’s like the universe is handing us a golden ticket to align our highest potential with collective harmony. Embrace this vibrant energy and get ready for a year full of breakthroughs, personal growth, and boundless opportunities!

Healing Meditations and Affirmations
Self-Empowering Tools and Techniques
How To Clarify Your Intentions
Heal Ancestral and Generational Patterns Related to Prosperity and Wealth
Eliminate Habitual Beliefs and Attitudes about Money, Wealth and Abundance
Change Dysfunctional Behaviors Related to Money and Abundance
Eliminate Current and Past Debts
Why Abundance
I, confess! Like many people, I was taught to create from a consciousness of lack . . . what I didn’t have, what I couldn’t do, how someone or something stopped me from getting what I thought I needed or wanted. I could be wrong, but . . . I don’t believe I was alone in the consciousness and experience of lack and scarcity. I also confess that I knew that to get what I wanted, to have what I wanted, I needed resources that I didn’t have and couldn’t seem to get. Today, many years later, I realized that in order to have the resources I needed, I had to be “Re-Sourced” – – – reconnected to the Source of all things. I reconnected to my Divine Self, the power of my mind and heart. I had forgotten that I have been given everything that I need to create the life of my dreams. Re-Sourced and reconnected into a consciousness, a frequency, the energy of Abundance, Expansion, and Fulfillment. So today, I choose to be Open and Willing to receive the Resources necessary to create the life of my dreams! A life of Joy and Peace and Freedom and . . . ABUNDANCE for myself and my family! That is my story. What is yours?
The Process
This process is based on The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price, which is required to participate in the program.
I will facilitate a session for The 40 Day Abundance Program for 40 consecutive days.
Together we will walk through the content in The Abundance Book, using supportive spiritual technologies to enhance our Abundance consciousness until we believe and embody the truth that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE…including the manifestation of a life that is beyond your wildest dreams!
There is no lack in the Universe!
No matter what stage you’re in Beloved, it is Iyanla’s desire that these offerings contain something for everybody. Whether you’re just getting started in this process, or are ready to deepen your practice and expand your world…this is the place to do it.
(Sounds like a good idea for a Christmas present if you ask me! 😉)
And as you navigate the holiday season, remember: When you are filling your plate from a place of not-enough-ness, you’ll always end up with not too much there.
Be love…because you are love..
Five-8 Day Cycles:
Days 1-8
Preparing and Calibrating to Receive and Create Abundance in Love
Days 9-16
Creating the Vision, Anchoring the Desire; Preparing for Fulfillment
Days 17-24
What Do You Really Want? Setting the Intention
Days 25-32
The Process of Co-Creation for Manifestation. Call In Your Desire
Days 33-40
Celebration and Gratitude