40 Day Abundance

I am excited to host The 40 Day Abundance Process LIVE once again, starting January 2025!

If you have participated in the Abundance Process in previous years, I want you to know that this is different. The process is the same but the materials and the approach will be different. This year we are going deeper in order to rise higher. There will be deeper meditations, more profound affirmations, brand new light codes and a very different intention. This year we are recalibrating our minds and hearts, to increase our vibratory frequency and access a new dimension of Abundance! It is my intention that we will activate our divine genes in order to reconnect to Source, so that we can access the Divine Energy of Abundance, in every area of our lives here and now.

What do you want to CREATE ?

What do you want to CREATE in the New Year?

Money, Wealth and Abundance are not luxuries set aside for some —We are all capable of attaining these things because . . .

There is no lack in the universe!

The energy of 2024 represents the 8 Universal Year which brings Abundance to the forefront.  This means you can finally be paid for all the time, energy, blood, sweat, and tears that you’ve been putting into your desire to make a lot of money.

2024 is your year to develop and nurture

everything related to

Money, Power, Dominion, and Authority.

 It’s a year to Think Big.  Announce your intentions in neon.  Plan.  Organize.  Manage.  Put petty emotions aside and tap into intentional, heart-centered living, loving and creating. It is not a year for slacking, procrastinating, or playing the victim.


You Can

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