Why Abundance


Have You Put The Brakes On Abundance?

I, Iyanla, confess! Like many people, I was taught to create from a consciousness of lack . . . what I didn’t have, what I couldn’t do, how someone or something stopped me from getting what I thought I needed or wanted. I could be wrong but . . . I don’t believe I was alone in the consciousness and experience of lack and scarcity.  I also confess that I knew, in order to get what I wanted, to have what I wanted, I needed resources that I didn’t have and couldn’t seem to get. Today, many years later, I realized that in order to have the resources I needed, I had to be “Re-Sourced” – – – reconnected to the Source of all things.  Reconnected to my Divine Self, the power of my mind and heart.   I had forgotten that I have been given everything that I need to create the life of my dreams. Re-Sourced and reconnected into a consciousness, a frequency, the energy of Abundance, Expansion, and Fulfillment. So today, I choose to be Open and Willing to receive the Resources necessary to create the life of my dreams! A life of Joy and Peace and Freedom and . . . ABUNDANCE for myself and my family!   That is my story.  What is yours?

The new calendar year is a wonderful opportunity to embark on a new endeavor, one that paves the way for prosperity, wealth, and abundance. Whether or not you believe in New Year’s resolutions, there is a sense of renewal and possibility that January brings, inviting you to chase your dreams.

As you welcome the new year, I encourage you to consider how you are preparing to live more abundantly or manifest the prosperity you rightfully deserve.  I also invite you to consider how you may be putting the breaks on your Abundance experience with thoughts of and beliefs in lack and scarcity?

Abundance is a divine birthright and a gift of grace from your Source.

The 40-Day Abundance Process can show you how to tap into the Source and create the resources you need and desire.

Your Investment - - - YOU CHOOSE!

Level One


Level Two

Prerequisite of Level 1

Level One
Level Two

Prerequisite of Level 1

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